Sunday, October 17, 2010

Simple Introductions

Welcome to the kitchen!
You'll notice that there aren't many gadgets here... a toaster, a blender, an electric beater (our most frivilous space filler is the electric knife to cut a roast with)... and a collection of wooden spoons. 

I have this thing for a wooden spoon.  I like the way it fits in my hand.  I like that the batter stays were I stir it (or fling it, if I am so inclined.)  I prefer to keep food simple.  Unlike many cooks that strive for "simplicity" by using as many pre-made sauces and mixes as they can stash in a cupboard, I keep things as close to the ground as possible without eating them off the floor!

I am the mother of five, each with their own taste buds and dietary needs.  My grandmother prides herself on never fixing more than one dinner at a time, but I often find myself making one thing for the Celiacs, another for the onion lovers, another for the toddler pallet, and something entirely different for my dear hubby -- a self-proclaimed "noodle man in a rice family." 

This blog is dedicated to those recipes that turn out to be a sweet success for everyone.  I want families converting to a gluten-free diet to know that it isn't the end of the world -- food can still be fun for the whole family, even the Chef! 

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